Thursday, April 4, 2013

final picture and status.....

Here are the final images for now. I still don't see much of a change and probably shouldn't. The 31 day challenge was exactly that ...challenging at times....espcially that last week. That last in the 31 day challenge was spring break here so I was working every day at my jobs and still planning Easter and Sam's 3rd birthday and trying to workout. I technically didn't work out every day in the 31 days...I missed 1 day for being sick, 1 day for being exhausted and angry at my H and one day for just being too busy and exhausted.  I really really tried and felt a difference! I really will try to contine to work out up until my vacation in 5 days and even through at least half of it. and then again revisit my goals when I return. I just wish I was more swimsuit ready then I am. I am not terribly bad looking but I definitely could use more toning.

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After nearly working 31 days straight.....

Not as much improvement. I took the final weight on April 1st. Unfortunately since then I baked cupcakes for my daughter's class, went out for frozen yogurt on April 3rd for my daughter's birthday, drank a bottle of chocolate wine and then I baked a cake for a pinterest party I have tomorrow and I haven't had the time to work out. I don't want to know what the scale says NOW!

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